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A physician/doctor in pediatrics is a medical practitioner that works directly with children. Also known as pediatricians, these doctors collaborate with nurses, X-ray technicians, medical assistants, and other doctors (such as emergency room doctors and surgeons) to treat children.

A typical day for a pediatrician may include appointments with sick children, conducting physicals to assess overall health, prescribing medicine, discussing treatment options with families, coordinating with other medical professionals for diagnosis, dealing with pediatric emergencies, and educating parents about their childrens illness and how to assist in the treatment process. Pediatricians may work during regular business hours or other shifts depending on the needs of their employer; some pediatricians work in private practice, and others work in hospitals and clinics that are open 24 hours a day. Most of this work is performed indoors in a medical setting.

To become a pediatrician, individuals must first get a bachelors degree and apply to medical school. Once accepted, they complete four years of medical school and receive the medical degree and begin a residency in their chosen field.

One of the many things you need to do to prepare for your little one’s arrival is to choose a doctor to oversee his or her health care. A pediatrician is medical doctor who manages the physical, behavioral, and mental health of children from birth until age 21. A pediatrician is trained to diagnose and treat a broad range of childhood illnesses from minor health problems to serious diseases.

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    Inoltre è obbligatorio, in caso di disdetta, comunicare l’annullamento della visita almeno 48 ore prima della data prefissata, altrimenti la prestazione verrà addebitata ugualmente.

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